Thursday, October 7, 2010


Ok now that that is out of the way... I have a ton of things to write about but I have yet to make time to do so.... I know LAME. BUT that being said. I am EXCITED.

I MADE HOMEMADE spaghetti sause a few days ago. I had tomatos in my freezer my mom sent with me, sshhhhhh, last year. I didn't know what I wanted to do with them. So I grabbed a bag defrosted them and looked on the internet for some ideas. I happend to hate most of the ideas i saw so i stole a few ingredient ideas and ran to the store.

I came back with a pretty looking onion, two cans of crushed tomatos, a can of tomato paste. Then I went and took a nap. AND it was great. But then i got to work. I threw some tasty evoo in a big pot on mid-high heat. Then went ax-murderer on a whole onion and 2 big cloves of garlic. I then put all of that in the pot.  I then let them brown. I have chopped and frozen basil from Trader Joes that i now love. (Imagine a tiny ice try only pre-chopped and measured basil and garlic rather than water... :/ ) I tossed the bag of drained tomatos, 3 chunks of basil, the tomato paste, and the 2 cans of crushed tom in the pan. I stirred all this and then added a bit of garlic salt, an other Italian spices in and put a lid on it. little did I know. It got REALLY hot and was boiling. I took the lid off and it was one angry pot of sause. Next think i knew, I had scalding hot spagitti sause ALL over my eye lids, nose, forehead, and cheeks. It was so hot it left burn marks below my eye and on my nose.... At least it was SO good.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Inspiration from a Rat

I love food. I LOVE FOOD. I love movies that involve food, books, magazines, TV channels, Shows. I guess I am a Foodie. Its almost 5 am and I am watching Julie and Julia and I can't help but fall in love with everything I see. I have dreams of going to culinary school. I love cooking for people. At any rate, I left off writing to long ago and after being questioned by my mom and grandmother every time I go home I knew I needed to get going again.

I have been crazy about zucchini and eggplant for years now. And after Watching Ratatouille I wanted to make it. And at some point I will. But I was reading Rachel Ray's magazine and I found Ratatouille Grilled Panini. It was sort of a undertaking. I being the dork that I am didnt look at the cook time and the veggies needed to soak in water for 40 min! At any rate I had no idea what Herbs de Provence is, let alone where to find it, so I didnt use it. Mistake. Upon using the ever faithful google, I found out it is a spice mixture. YUM! Any way I decided not to grill the sandwiches because they were huge! After digging my way out of a billion sliced veggies I put together what might be one of the yummyest things I have tasted. It was how ever missing something. Olives, olive paste or something like it. Even still, It was delightful! Crusty bread and a perfect mix of vegetables.

Happy Dining!
Erin :D